About me

Most of the time, I’m trying to solve problems from physics/spectroscopy and related imaging problems with AI/ML.

Futher, I’m still working on some sequencing-data and applying Data Mining and statistical learning/analysis to those problems.

And last but not least, I’m trying to extract usefull information from molecular simulations with students, using AI/ML.

What is nice about this starting point for me, is the completely different data I can work with. If you assume, like Goodfellow, Bengio and Courville 1, that machine learning and deep learning are more about finding out, which data-generating distributions an algorithm or a model family can handle, I can say for me, that it is fun to meet so many different data-generating distributions over the years;-D

As for my scientific interests, I can say that it is mostly probabilistic models that interest me. Furthermore, I am interested in generative models and their applications in otherwise simulation-driven scientific fields. I also have a strong interest in methods for explaining and interpreting decisions in deep learning models.

I am always open for suggestions and cooperation, so if there is anything, please contact me!